Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives that we often forget that we’re not the only one going through things. I hopped off the bus today in the afternoon after finishing work. ...
So it’s been about two weeks since I began using the Clenziderm system. The following are pictures that I just took tonight. I must say that I am still happy with the results I am ...
You know what my problem is? Sometimes I get super ahead of myself. When good things happen in my life, I have the tendancy to get super excited and start planning all sorts of stuff. ...
This week is going to be another busy one. Firstly, I have an order for a baby shower cake for my friend’s sister’s baby shower coming up on the 22 of June. The idea is ...
The past few weeks have been a bit hectic…more hectic than usual. On Thursday, I spent the day with Rita DeMontis. Rita is the food and lifestyle editor for the Toronto Sun. I met her ...
In October of last year, I went to the 3rd annual “‘Flare’ for Fashion” fashion show. Anyone who suffers from or is aware of Lupus knows that ‘Flare’ for fashion is a play on words ...
Firstly, I wanted to mention that I bought my obagi clenziderm on ebay for an amazing price. If you don’t ebay and you want to buy this product, you might consider signing up for ebay! ...
It was just about a week ago when I noticed that I was heading out and walking about relatively normally. It was two weeks ago when I last remember going out with my Mom. When ...
I just recently started submitting my drug receipts to trillium drug plan for reimbursement. I’m still getting used to how their system works. I have coverage through my place of work as well, however I ...