I was super tired from dialysis yesterday. The entire day I walked around like a zombie. Like seriously…how did I ever manage in-centre dialysis 3 times a WEEK?? I can’t wait to get home to ...
MERRRRRRRRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONEEEEE!! Disney World today was great! We went to Magic Kingdom first and went on a couple of rides before stopping for the Christmas parade (pictures will be added once i get home). ...
..l.As in, dialysis! I’m on my very tiny dell netbook so i will not upload pictures until I get home. Dialysis went well. All the nurses and hemo assistants were great. I got there bright ...
Today started off with breakfast at the hotel. Breakfast consisted of frosted flakes wrongly labelled as Corn Flakes. I nearly puked it was so sugary. I also had some tea…and a sugary donut. Yech. After ...
We’re in our hotel in Florida! We are stayng in st pete’s. The flight was uneventful, which is good, as was getting our luggage and our car. After we left the airport, we went to ...
I'm finally finished school and I'm on a plane getting ready to go to Florida! My flight leaves in about 10 minutes! Hurrah!Sent from my BlackBerry device
This = 15 minutes of work. Sent from my BlackBerry device
Today was a regular Saturday like every other. I went to work. My Mom picked me up. We went shopping. We came home. Little did I know that I was coming home to bad news. ...
I'm currently sitting in the waiting room in the eye clinic of the hospital. I was 10 minutes late for my 11am appointment. By the time I found the place I was going to be, ...