I do not have sickle cell, but I do have sickle cell trait. I got the trait from my mother. This essentially means that I have inherited one of the genes of the disease, but do not have full blown sickle cell anemia. My parents are west african, and it is said that 25% of west africans have the sickle cell trait.
Things like this scare me/make me nervous. Against all odds, perhaps, I DO want to have children of my own someday. But I’m also afraid of what I might pass on to my child. Will they suffer from the same illness(es) that I suffer from? What if my partner/father of my child has sickle cell trait as well? It’s all very scary, but I still remain full of faith and hope that things will turn out as they are supposed to turn out in the end.
Below is a picture from the awards ceremony. This picture consists of my sister, my brother’s girlfriend, my brother, my mother, my father, and moi!
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