Today was a crazy day in class. We got our tests back today. I was stressing out over this test as there were many questions that I didn’t know the answer to. That being said, ...
I’m feeling kind of down and out today. Not in a happy mood at all. I had kind of a weird day today. Nothing specific happened. I went to church, came home, did some homework, ...
Today felt like a long day even though it wasn’t. After my dialysis run, I cleaned up and studied for my online computers test. I did the test prior to my math test this afternoon. ...
…but I don’t think I’m pulling off any 86% marks on this one. I completely blanked out on some of those questions. It’s the short answer questions…those are the ones that I’m most likely to ...
So I’ve been neglecting this blog like crazy. I’ve just been so busy, tired, overworked, etc. In spite of all of this, I am actually doing quite well. I definitely have no complaints. Last weekend, ...
Now I know what Dhalsim meant when he said “Yoga fire”! (random street fighter II reference..!) When Carolyn and I first entered the room, (oh by the way, our yoga class was at Moksha Yoga ...
I just got home from a long day at work and I must study for my math test tomorrow. I’m still not comfortable with all of the concepts, but luckily I have that online math ...
One of my high school friends sent out an email to the troops asking if we were game for a friday night of hot yoga! I had received similar emails from her before but was ...
Happy Valentine’s day, everyone! You know, it’s the strangest thing. Just on thursday I mentioned in my blog that I needed to get back on the ball and start getting healthy! Yesterday, my dad surprised ...