So I realized that I can simply type a post from my cell phone and by emailing to myself I can post it to my blog. This will serve as more of a test post. ...
Today was a pretty long day for me. It started off early this morning. I got up just before 7am and got ready to go out. I went to a friend’s house to get my ...
Today is a much better day for me than yesterday. I was stresed and sad yesterday for a number of reasons. I just knew that if one more minor thing happened to me…if a fly ...
This coming from the girl who works for a BANK! On saturday night, i went online to purchase the UFC fight so I could watch it. Sure, it’s pricey, but I really wanted to watch ...
This week is reading week. That means no school all week! That also generally means that I am pretty much at the half way point of the semester. I couldn’t be happier to be progressing. ...
I wish words could describe how much I’m looking forward to my week off. I’m so looking forward to it that the anticipation of it might actually be even sweeter than the experience itself. These ...
So I’m gonna take some time to write a short post while I wait for my machine to post. School’s going well. In spite of all the tests I’ve been doing all at once, my ...
This most stressful part of this half of the semester is done. I just wrote my Training and Development test and all I can say is that I’m glad it is over. I studied hard, ...