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bone marrow tap hematologist pain venofer

Bone Marrow…Yikes!


Only two more sleeps until searing pain…ugh.

My bone marrow tap is going to be done on Monday morning. How wonderfully ironic that Feb 14, a day of “love”, will be a day of searing pain for me. I’m still crossing my fingers and hoping that my doctor will take my previous request into serious consideration and figure out a way to do a bone marrow tap while putting me through the least amount of pain possible.
I did a repeat hemoglobin earlier this week. Thankfully, it went up from 81 to 89 (or 88, I can’t remember. In U.S. terms, that is 8.1 to 8.9). I’m glad that it seems to be on an upward trend. I hope that means that the venofer that I used is working.
I’m happy and lucky that my good friend is in town visiting from Holland. She will be there to hold my hand while I’m getting the bone marrow tap done. Since it’s getting done in the hospital, we can easily head to emergency and get my friend’s hand casted since it will certainly be broken by the time I squeeze the crap out of it.
Wish me luck…

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  1. Headstrong February 16, 2011

    Just found your blog and am SO thankful for all you share. I hope the biopsy went well, and that you're healing nicely. Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way! Best to you – can't wait to share in your lupus journey!
    Headstrong With Lupus

  2. Anonymous February 19, 2011

    Have you tried any natural treatments such as diet and herbs for lupus?

  3. Miz Flow February 19, 2011

    Thank you for your comment and your kind words, Headstrong! 🙂

    Hello anonymous,

    I have tried going on a gluten free diet and did so for just under a year…I began to lose a LOT of weight and around that time I ended up with a perforated bowel, so I unfortunately had to engage in a diet that would allow me to gain weight. I'm 5'6 and about 112-115 pounds regularly, so as you might imagine, losing weight = not a good thing :\


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