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cbc curl ambassadors hemoglobin kidney transplant osteoporosis transplant transplant coordinator

Hemoglobin is up


I was at the hospital today. I had a bone density scan this morning at one hospital, then it was onto the shuttle bus and off to another hospital (with the results of the bone density) to see the osteoporosis doctor. While in between appointments, I went to go hang out with one of my hemo buddies. But prior to that, since I was near my home hemo unit, I did go and get my nurse Rose to do a quick cbc for me.
So after a fun chat with my in centre hemo buddy, I went and saw the osteo doctor. I was happy to learn that my bone density showed improvement. And I obviously haven’t had any new fractures since the last one I had a couple of years back. That’s great news.
My nurse promptly emailed me today to tell me the results of my cbc. 103 or 10.3 for my American friends. I’m pretty happy about that since my hemoglobin was 80-something previous to that. I am hoping that this will be enough to proceed with transplant (and by “proceed”, I mean..let’s do it QUICKLY. Like, TOMORROW. LoL). I did call my transplant coordinator immediately upon receiving the results from my nurse. She usually calls me back immediately, but she didn’t this time. I’m guessing/hoping it’s because she wants to speak with the doctor. Cross your fingers for me.
In an attempt to make myself feel better (prior to getting my hemoglobin results, of course), I went to curl ambassadors to get a wash and a trim. I was happy to see that my hair had gotten much bigger since the last time I was there in September. I also took pictures of the back of my head. Coincidentally, the last time I took pictures of the back of my head was in March of 2010. Below are pictures that show the progress. I’m pleased with the results and hope to continue growing my hair out to lengths I have never experienced before…! I really love curl ambassadors. My stylist, Angela, is so personable. In fact…she’s lovely. And I’m simply not used to going to a salon and being the only person that my stylist is focused on. I remember back in the day when I used to relax my hair…and I’d be sitting there with a relaxer burning the crap outta my scalp while the person doing my hair was off doing something else to someone else’s hair! But at curl ambassadors, I got there at like 12:20 (my appointment was 12:30), I was seen immediately, and was done by just after 1pm. That includes a wash, trim, condition, styling, a sit under the hair dryer, an additional trim/shaping, and a bit of blow drying to stretch my hair. Unheard of for me! That would take about 3 hours (if I was lucky) at the salons that I used to go to! Smh…I feel spoiled! 🙂
That’s all for now. Let’s hope for good news where transplant is concerned..!

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