My bionic hip is coming along nicely. The last pic I took of the bump was about a week ago…and to be honest I don’t feel like stripping my pants off to take a new picture. The hematoma is still there, but considerably smaller. It also doesn’t hurt, and that’s always good.
I went to see both my ortho surgeon and my oncologist today. My ortho looked at the x-rays I did while in Emerg earlier this month and said everything looked fine. He also said the hematoma as well as the scar are both looking good. I will see him again in November. But for now, I’m allowed to walk around my house without a cane. I will keep up with the physio and eventually move on to out-patient physio. When I walk without my cane, I still limp a bit. My ortho said that this was normal and that would eventually go away. After all, it has only been about a month since I had the surgery. Below is a picture of my x-ray. Kinda cool looking I think.
When I saw the oncologist, I definitely got some good news. The oncologist told me that when I had the hip replacement surgery done, the bone that was removed was sent off to the lab to be tested. Considering the fact that there is much myeloma talk about my bone marrow and such, I felt that this was an excellent idea. I actually had no idea that this had been done or that they were even thinking of doing that until my oncologist mentioned it. She went on to tell me that the bone was completely clear of any abnormalities. Excellent news.
She also told me that my blood work was steady-no major changes. Also great news. She said that she would have no problem with me going ahead with the kidney transplant. Of course, it’s necessary for all of us who are involved to know what the risks are in terms of whether these abnormal cells do turn into something other than just a “smoldering myeloma”. But she is confident about the available treatments for myeloma should they be necessary, and she does not feel that they would interfere with my kidney transplant. Great news!
The first thing I did was bbm my brother to tell him the great news. He’s just as anxious to donate his kidney to me as I am to receive it. He was pleased to hear the news.
After these appointments, myself and my father met up with Julie, my transplant coordinator. We had already planned to meet for coffee previously. I was happy and excited to share my news with her. She told me that once my oncologist’s report comes through, the transplant team would review all of my information and make a decision about transplant. That might take a week or two. That doesn’t bother me too much as I am still recovering from the hip replacement surgery anyways. All I know is that I am stupid excited about hopefully getting this transplant done.
I hope this time is my time.
View Comments (2)
I truly hope this is your time deserve it. I have Lupus as well and I am just now finding your blog. I have to let you know that I have been so inspired by you. You handle everything with such positivity, which I know can be so difficult when so much is going on with your health. I am dealing with a flare now and I realize now that I have been so negative about everything! But now I know if you can do it, I can do it. I have even started my own blog to document my struggles- it's therapeutic for me. It's if you want to stop by...I will pray that everything gets better for you..
Hi!!! This is Crystal (you know, the one that follows you on twitter, @iamjanuarylove)I feel so bad for being behind on your blog. I'm glad to see things are going good. I'm so excited for you to FINALLY be getting closer to getting a kidney transplant! From reading some of the previous post I can see you have had a few things to get around. So good to hear that test results are coming back good and everything else. I LOVE post like this! Hope you continue to do well and see ya on twitter!