First off, let me ask for forgiveness on this post. It is likely to be riddled with spelling, punctuatiom, and other similar mistakes, I’m blogging from my tablet and my tablet stramly doesn’t have a ...
I know that I’m one day late, but Merry Christmas, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. I slept in, and it was great being able to just be lazy in bed and do nothing 🙂 ...
It has been a while since I’ve blogged. To be honest..I just didn’t feel like it. I didn’t feel happy. Downright sad, in fact. Have I done a complete 180 and now feel completely awesome? ...
When I first started this blog, I never imagined it would turn into something that would help so many others or that so many people would identify with. I just wanted to create a medium ...
I’m blogging from my phone in bed. I’m actually home from work today with a bad stomach ache. I hate missing work. Also apologizing in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors. Anyhow, as the ...
This week was a busy one for me. On Mondays I usually work 8-1, but this Monday was a vacation day for me. I also had a transplant clinic that day. So, I went to ...
I had mentioned a job interview that I went to a few weeks ago. Well I heard back this past week and unfortunately I didn’t get the job. 🙁 I was happy to learn that ...
Seems that I’ve been ‘revisiting’ a few topics as of late, haven’t I! Well, I think it’s important. The way I feel and my thoughts on things have changed. I’ve been documenting my thoughts and ...
I know that I have been MIA for a while-you know how life gets in the way! I haven’t had much to report to be honest, but here are a few things. Back in August, ...