Just checkin’ in!

It has been a couple of weeks since I’ve blogged, so I just wanted to do a quick check in.

I’ve been going to a lot of appointments lately. Some are just repeats of some tests that I have done in the past where the results are needed by the transplant team, while others just happened to be scheduled around this time.  In the past 3 weeks or so, I’ve done a number of different tests and stuff.  This includes blood tests, ultrasounds (of my stomach and a doppler-ultrasound of the veins and stuff in my legs). I’ve also seen my nephrologist and rheumatologist.  I’m doing well now, so all we basically need is to plan the actual transplant.  Hopefully I can remain healthy until that day should come, whenever that is.

I shall keep my blog updated and state when the transplant is scheduled.  🙂

Cross your fingers for me.  Hopefully this time shall be the charm!


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  • I felt like I was just reading a page out of my life. Praying all goes well. I have been there too. I just had my third biopsy but no transplant, thanks be to God. Anyway, just wanted to send some words of encouragement from another sister. Check out LCD...we would love to hear your story! God bless!!!