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Soo..how did the transplant go?


The transplant went excellently! The normal range for one's creatinine is between about 0-110. It is quite phenomenal how my creatinine went from 668 on feb 22, to 513 on march 1 right after the surgery. It was checked 3 times on march 2-one day after the surgery. In the morning, it was 513. By the afternoon, it was 110. By the evening, it was 75. Can you believe that? My creatinine is in a NORMAL range!!

I cannot begin to describe how normal I felt by March 2. I felt amazing. Although I still had (and have) some incisional pain..I feel great otherwise. I feel like getting up and doing cartwheels. I thought I felt amazing on home hemo (which I did) but…geez..I think I have gotten so used to feeling “unwell” to a certain degree that I simply just got used to it. This feeling is worth a million bucks.

What touched me even more is the fact that the donor usually feels a little bit “worse” than the recipient. Although in a bit of pain, and this being his first surgery, my brother insisted on being wheeled down from his room an a separate floor down to the transplant ICU to see me. The next morning (this morning), at around 8-8:30am, my bro walked all the way down from his floor to mine to see me. Hemo assistants from the hemodialysis unit have come to visit, as have one of my home dialysis teaching nurses Lizzy (her name is Elizabeth…but everyone gets a nickname from me haha)

I have taken a few pics, so I'll put those up when I'm on my computer again. Just wanted to post a quick update!


-Florence T.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network


  1. Jennifer March 4, 2012

    I'm so happy to hear you're doing so well! What a miracle!
    I tried commenting on your last post, but my phone wouldn't let me. Keep us updated. I'm so happy for you!

  2. We are soooo thrilled things went well. We are praying for you. Keep us updated, your story is a blessing to others!!!


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