Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
Yesterday was a good day. I slept in, and it was great being able to just be lazy in bed and do nothing 🙂 Afterwards, I ate breakfast- nothing beats pancakes on Christmas morning. After breakfast, I got cleaned up and changed, and put together the gifts for my family. Soon enough, it was dinner time. My brother arrived and we all sat down and enjoyed a delicious meal and great conversation and laughs.
Afterwards, we opened our presents! My mom and dad gave me some money. This will certainly be helpful for my up and coming trip. My sister bought me some travel essentials, including a passport holder, airport approved toiletry containers, and, of course, some Euros/spending money. ‘
My brother, knowing that I just joined the gym last month, got me some amazing trainers to wear while I work out (my brother buys me some sort of sneaker/running shoe for every holiday anyways! It’s great as he has such good taste). They were too small, so my brother has to take them back and exchange them haha! They are so nice that I didn’t even want to give them to him to take back. They have memory foam typed material on the inside, which will make for a great and comfortable workout. I did buy some shoes for the gym earlier this month as well…well, I guess I’ll have two pairs of gym shoes! My brother also got me some gym socks.
I worked today to get some holiday pay. I’m also working on Friday. Then, I will likely work 8-2 on Saturday, then 6-9. I know, a lot of hours in one day! But I figure I’ll request to get paid for the 8-2, then I’ll bank the 6-9. The entire day/shifts will be considered time and a half. I probably wouldn’t have done anything anyways except for maybe sit around the house..maybe go to the gym…but I can possibly do that between 2-6. I’m also considering going to the mall in between to get some skinny jeans/pants. LOL.
Well, that’s all! Chat soon.