Just some of the battle wounds from my kidney transplant that happened back on March 1st. These pics were taken just a few days ago 🙂 This scar was from a line put into my ...
Since I had my urinary stent removed yesterday, I have to take Ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic, twice a day for two days. I have taken my two doses for yesterday as well as my first dose ...
Today I finally had my stent removed. My kidney transplant was on March 1st, so I’ve had the stent in for about 1 month. I was glad to know that I was going to get ...
I’m trying to remember what, exactly, I was looking at that prompted me to want to try green smoothies…oh yes, now I remember. As someone with natural hair, I regularly read an online webpage/blog called ...
On Monday I went to see/meet my nephrologist for the first time. His name is Dr. Kim. He’s really nice and really funny as well. I’m happy to say that my blood work looks really ...
While I was in the hospital, fresh out of surgery and still in the ICU, my friends Christine and ‘She (pronounced Shay) came to visit me. Christine was nice enough to bring me a three ...
It has been about 3 weeks since my transplant! When I touch my stomach over my kidney (or shall I say lightly press) it is still sore. This is mostly where the incision is, though. ...
As I may have mentioned before, I am quite pleased at how things worked out in terms of my schooling. I’m glad that I managed to finish school prior to the transplant. To me, the ...
It has been almost 20 days since the kidney transplant. I had the pleasure of getting my staples out 3 days ago…all 20 of them. My transplant coordinator took them out. She told me that ...
I know it has been a while since I posted, but I’m sure you’ll understand why! I’m still recovering from having had a kidney transplant exactly two weeks ago. Thankfully, I get my staples removed ...