The transplant went excellently! The normal range for one's creatinine is between about 0-110. It is quite phenomenal how my creatinine went from 668 on feb 22, to 513 on march 1 right after the ...
I wrote this blog entry on January 23, just a few days after I learned that the date of my transplant would be on March 1. I did not want to mention it on my ...
I spent a good amount of time today just relaxing. I had trouble falling asleep last night. I did fall in and out of sleep…probably sleeping for no more than 30-45 minutes. So being able ...
It has been a couple of weeks since I’ve blogged, so I just wanted to do a quick check in. I’ve been going to a lot of appointments lately. Some are just repeats of some ...
I’m happy to say that I’m feeling much better where that cold I had previously is concerned. I was kind of nervous as my first thought was…”Watch…they’re going to call me in, like, two days ...
My keyboard has been replaced and is working again! I bought my keyboard on ebay. It arrived quickly-4 business days. I gave the keyboard to my Dad and he took it to a computer company ...
firstly, let me say this. last week i was on my laptop and i accidentally spilled water on it-about the equivalent to 2 tablespoons. after that…my laptop went nuts. first, the 8 button kept pressing…so ...
I was on twitter just a few moments ago and I noticed that one of the trending topics was RIP. I clicked on it to see who everyone was mourning. At least three celebrities passed ...
Part 2 of “I can’t move my arms or my legs”.