The tears haven’t stopped, but they flow less frequently. The hurting hasn’t stopped, but I’m managing to find joy in things all over again. I love to write-I love to blog. And when something happens ...
It’s a good thing to talk. Talk about stuff. I go back and forth when it comes to the above statement. Sometimes…I don’t want to talk about stuff, because I know, mid story, it’ll make ...
I may have had one of those the other day. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I wear my emotions on my face-there’s no hiding. Sometimes, when emotions are low, I can ...
I only just logged onto my blog today and saw all of the wonderful comments that were left on my last post. They honestly made me cry, and I really appreciate the fact that there ...
I wish the “me” of 10 years ago could have a conversation with the “me” of today. Let me tell you about the “me” of 10 years ago. She was a strong woman who had ...
Nearly two years ago I blogged about some struggles I was going through. I talked about what was making me sad at the time as it relates to my health, my physical appearance, and my ...
The last number of weeks have been busy. Let me try and brief you on what’s going on: Last month, I was successful in securing a part time, work from home HR Coordinator internship with ...
Let’s face it-the main topic of conversation for my blog is a topic that isn’t necessarily the happiest of topics to discuss. In spite of some of the horror stories I’ve shared, you’ll find that ...
…nothing. Nadda. Ziltch. Today was one of those days that were doomed from the get go.I woke up today at the time I would normally wake up if I was gonna get up and go ...
So first, let me get this out of the way. When you have a chronic illness/are immunosuppressed (lupus/kidney transplant, for example), it is absolutely a good idea to get your pap smears on an annual ...