I’m calling this post a mish mash because I’m not even exactly sure what I’m going to talk about! First of all, let’s talk about the month of October. I’m not gonna lie-this month has ...
Update: it still hurts 🙁 My knee is still pretty sore, especially if I don’t take my Tylenol in the morning to start my day. I usually don’t take it if I’m going to be ...
Here it is-the picture stomach scar update from my scar revision on September 14, 2013. I think I’ve devised a better method for taking my stomach pictures. It includes standing up and facing the mirror-as ...
So in a post a couple of days ago, I posted a pic of me in the ER and my swollen as heck knee. It had gotten so swollen and so full of fluid that ...
Hey everyone- it’s fistula Fridays! Time for an update on my fistula’s healing progress. I wore the silicone scar strips all week. These pics compare the first set of pics I labelled as “fistula Fridays” ...
The very same day that I got my fistula removed…something just wasn’t white right with my right knee. I don’t know why, but the second I stepped off of the hospital bed that day after ...
So it’s time for stomach scar Sundays! Now what I’ve decided is that I’ll (try and) post progress of my arm on Fridays and my stomach on Sundays. Since Friday had already passed, I’ll post ...
It isn’t big, but yup, it’s there. I picked at it a bit at first, thinking it was perhaps a scab that wanted to stand straight up for some reason. But I realized quickly that ...
I went to see the plastic surgeon on Saturday and he is pretty happy with the progress of my healing scar revision incision. What struck me most was the fact that he said “I’m happy ...
I removed the last of my steri strips from my arm yesterday. It seems as though my arm is healing relatively well. It’s scabby and dry from the scabs, but I don’t want to put ...