Happy New Year! This year’s festivities were low key but fun. Myself along with a number of my friends spent the evening at a friend’s house for a potluck dinner. We had roast beef, roast ...
I know, Christmas has passed and it is almost the new year! But I wanted to at least write up a quick post about my Christmas. It was great. The family got together and my ...
Just wanted to take a quick moment and say Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone! Sorry I’m late! I’ll post a more informative Christmas post later! 🙂
I thought I would share my hip replacement scar again as it looks today. It has been about 4 months since my surgery 🙂
I have a lot to be thankful for as the holiday season draws near. The other day my transplant coordinator called me and let me know that the group of doctors (nephrologists) got together and ...
Answers to the ‘randomest’ things you’ve ever wanted to know about Miz Flow!
Check out my vlog on relationships/dating and chronic illness and tell me what your opinion is on the subject!
I haven’t been ignoring my blog…I swear. I really just haven’t had much to say. My routine has been pretty simple for the past few weeks. I’ve been going to work, relaxing at home, doing ...
I know I haven’t posted in a little while. I’m just starting to try and get back to normal. I’ve resumed going back to work for a few hours a week just to get my ...
Today was an early morning. I woke up at 6:15 today so I could get to the hospital early. My father was going out of town today, so he offered to drive me to the ...