I don’t think it’s any surprise that people with active Lupus symptoms often experience irregularities in their periods. I’ve heard of some people who’s periods become super heavy and some people’s periods become extremely light ...
I wrote an entry a few days ago about what I went through when I had to be rushed to emergency and was told that I had a perforated bowel. If you are new to ...
I’ve always loved eating ice. If someone gave me an entire bucket of ice chips, I’d eat them. I also love drinking slurpees from 7-eleven, but drinking slurpees doesn’t give me the same satisfaction as ...
As with many other people with Lupus, my hemoglobin has always been a problem. Lupus with chronic kidney failure doesn’t help either. While anemia has always been present in my earlier Lupus days, it has ...
In a previous post, I had discussed whether or not gluten-free was the way to be. The link to that entry was http://flowonlupus.blogspot.com/2007/12/is-gluten-free-way-to-be.html While I briefly touched on the subject, I didn’t actually discuss what ...
It’s not every woman’s dream or ambition to have a child or children. I’ve always known that I would like to have children of my own someday. At a young age, I remember crying in ...
When I went to the hospital today, I spoke to this lady about learning to do dialysis at home. It was kinda funny to me because I had asked to speak to her at around ...
This question has been on my mind for a good number of years. Much like Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. The disease attacks the protective myelin covering of the central nervous system. This ...
I’m no relationship expert. I’ve done my fair share of dating, but have been in few exclusive relationships. When I was first diagnosed with Lupus, I used to think to myself “ok…that’s it. I’m destined ...
Ah yes, the question that has plagued mankind for many centuries. The question isn’t only CAN it be done, but SHOULD it be done? I was first diagnosed with Lupus 2 months into my first ...