Over a year ago, I went to visit a naturopathic doctor near my house to discuss my Lupus. She did some tests and stuff, and then she put me on a gluten free diet. Now, ...
I’m 25 years old and I’m currently a York University student. Well, I don’t know how accurate that statement is, as I haven’t been to school in a year. I took the September semester off ...
I went to dialysis this morning for my treatment. I go to dialysis 3 times a week: on tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays. Each treatment session is 4 hours long. What dialysis does is it removes ...
Holding down a job while suffering from Lupus can definitely be a trial. I personally have been blessed with a great job with a great company that understands my needs. When I started working there, ...
If you have Lupus or know someone who does, chances are you’ve heard of Prednisone. While prednisone generally does wonders for those with Lupus where the actual disease is concerned, it also has many terrible ...
Hooray! This is my first post! There is much to be said about this disease called Lupus. This is why I thought I’d start a blog discussing my everyday thoughts and stuggles where Lupus is ...