Kidney Lesions? :\
A few weeks ago, I did a colonoscopy as well as a CT scan in…
12 years ago
Currently, I'm pretty much in hibernation. My white blood cell count is low right now.…
Today I finally had my stent removed. My kidney transplant was on March 1st, so…
I've been away for a while. I've been super busy with school and with this…
Last week Wednesday after getting my dialysis supplies delivered, I went to see an ENT…
Being hard of hearing is so very frustrating. I find myself having to look at…
To be honest, I still feel pretty crappy. It seems like all of these remedies…
...just dizzy and tired from this ear infection, cough/cold, and antibiotics.Will blog later
First of all, Merry Christmas everyone!I've been busy and tired.December 23rd, for example. I got…