Better late than never!
Today was my first 8 hour day back to work since my knee surgery. It was a long day because I had a lot of complicated and time consuming client problems to deal with, plus ...
Yes, I know-I’ve been slacking. Sue me! Now that THAT is out of the way, let’s get back to business. First of all, my birthday was on May 11 *sings happy birthday to self* Now, ...
It’s my birthday! Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee! LOL (today is also my “not my twin” sister’s birthday too hehehe). I haven’t posted in a while as I’m not sure that I had much to say, but ...
May 11 was my birthday. I turned 29. Gee wilikers, what am I going to do when I turn 30? The name of my blog will no longer be accurate! Any ideas for what I ...
…until my birthday! Yep, May 11 is my birthday. When I think about it…I may soon need to change the name of my blog to …*gasp*.the life of a 30 SOMETHING WITH LUPUS! AHHHHH!!!! Anyhow, ...
I am studying for a multiple choice quiz in my Training and Development class on Tuesday morning. It is multiple choice and is worth 5%. The last one I got a B or something. I’m ...
My day consisted of lying in bed, sleeping. I am happy that I was actually able to sleep. I woke up this morning and started to give my blood back. When my tubes were clear, ...