blood work

Hemoglobin CRASH

Ok, now I'm worried.I did my monthly bloodwork today. I did it this morning, dropped…

Why so sleepy?

I'm so sleepy today. My alarm went off at 6:40am today as it usually does…

Gimme my freakin’ blood tubes!!

Yesterday I took myself on a bit of a journey. The first stop was the…

Another 2 long days gone!

So another 2 lonnnng schoolvdays are gone and I couldn't be more glad! Once again,…

There always has to be a trouble maker in class

Today was clinic appointment day at the hospital. I headed downtown by bus and subway…

I have appointments coming outta my…

I worked today from 9-2. After work, I had to head downtown for an appointment…

Some Blood Results, First Week of Dialysis

(Note that the highlighted numbers represent my blood work, the the numbers to the right…