business concepts

Don’t tell my joints, my achy breaky joints…

Today was the LAST business concepts class. Hurray! This test was a bit more difficult…

Results of the dreaded group assignment

The turnaround time for assignments in my business concepts class has always been 1 week.…

Group Presentation, Work, then Weekend Off!

On Monday, through my feelings of absolute exhaustion and tummy pain, I managed to get…

Verdict on the Group Assignment

I just got home from a long day at work and I must study for…

Ok, so I didn’t fall into the 90% or above range

Today was the day that we handed in our group assignment as well as got…

There’s nothing better then…

...going to school on test day, getting the test, and thinking the test is easy!Well,…

Thank Goodness it’s Friday

The end of the week is finally here. Not that it's not like I…

Test, Transonic, Team Work, Terrible Weather…

Monday was the wonderful HR test that I spoke about. The test went pretty well.…