clinic appointment

Operation: Dialation

What a gorgeous day outside! Today's temperature was a wonderful 29 degrees celcius/84 Fahrenheit.I had…

Approaching the final stretch

Only 2 weeks left of school, then we're off for two weeks, then it starts…

Clinic Appointment

I have a love/hate relationship with clinic appointments.First of all, I guess it goes without…

My Poor, Neglected Blog!

So I've been neglecting this blog like crazy. I've just been so busy, tired, overworked,…

There always has to be a trouble maker in class

Today was clinic appointment day at the hospital. I headed downtown by bus and subway…

From 10mg to 9mg

Yesterday was my clinic appointment with my rheumy Dr. Fortin. I haven't seen him since…


So I just got back from the fracture clinic. I got there at around 8:00am,…

Lupus Brain Fog??…nah, just forgetfulness

I worked today from 8am to 1pm. I usually wor 9am to 2pm, but I…

Release Me From This Shackle!

I spent the better half of today at the fracture clinic. I'm sorry to say…