I may have had one of those the other day. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I wear my emotions on my face-there’s no hiding. Sometimes, when emotions are low, I can ...
It’s a good thing to talk. Talk about stuff. I go back and forth when it comes to the above statement. Sometimes…I don’t want to talk about stuff, because I know, mid story, it’ll make ...
I’ve blogged through tears way too often. I’ve felt sad and without hope way too often. The strange thing is..even though those past situations and occurrences hurt so bad, I think they were necessary. Not ...
The last couple of months have been packed…in the best possible way. Blogging is actually pretty important to me. I definitely like the ability to look back at the good times..and reflect on the perhaps ...
Being in and maintaining a long lasting and meaningful relationship can be difficult, even for those who don’t have a chronic illness to deal with. I personally avoided getting into a long term relationship for ...
In my previous post, I discussed a first date that I had with a gentleman I had met online- we went out for drinks. There have been about 13 days between that date and now. ...
When I was on dialysis, I wasn’t really confident enough to “put myself out there” and start dating. I’m not sure why, because I know lots of people who do it…but I just couldn’t. Just ...