Actually, it was more like 7 hours and 20 minutes. I had about 35 minutes left or so and I really had to go to the washroom so I just decided to retransfuse. I had ...
Today was my first home dialysis run. I did it at around 9am this morning when my nurse Rose got to my house. It was a short run: 2 hours. The point was mostly to ...
I had trouble falling asleep last night. I got home from dialysis yesterday and was pretty tired….as could be expected. After eating lunch, I took a nap which lasted about an hour and a half ...
Ugh, today had to have been my worst day at dialysis. It all started when I was cannulating myself. The needles went in fine and I was just connecting myself. I connected the first tube ...
For anyone interested in blood results, or perhaps comparing their blood results/numbers to mine, well there ya go! These are my pre and post dialysis numbers. These are from Wednesday January 23. According to my ...
When I went to the hospital today, I spoke to this lady about learning to do dialysis at home. It was kinda funny to me because I had asked to speak to her at around ...