I went out with my mom today and I bought a bike! I’ve wanted a bike for a while but just haven’t purchased one. The last bike that I got was when I was in ...
Now I know what Dhalsim meant when he said “Yoga fire”! (random street fighter II reference..!) When Carolyn and I first entered the room, (oh by the way, our yoga class was at Moksha Yoga ...
One of my high school friends sent out an email to the troops asking if we were game for a friday night of hot yoga! I had received similar emails from her before but was ...
Happy Valentine’s day, everyone! You know, it’s the strangest thing. Just on thursday I mentioned in my blog that I needed to get back on the ball and start getting healthy! Yesterday, my dad surprised ...
Right now, the life of this 20-something with Lupus consists of school, work, and sleep. Oh, and eating. By no stretch of the imagination am I overweight, but I’m definitely not where I should be. ...
When I got into the office yesterday morning, I took half an hour to sort through the plethora of emails in my inbox. 95% of them were my co-workers requesting shift trades/ shift switches with ...