t’s the strangest thing. Before I got my kidney transplant, I wasn’t huge on sweets. I could have a slice of cake here and there, but I could do without it. I was more of ...
Yes, I know-I’ve been slacking. Sue me! Now that THAT is out of the way, let’s get back to business. First of all, my birthday was on May 11 *sings happy birthday to self* Now, ...
The last couple of months have been packed…in the best possible way. Blogging is actually pretty important to me. I definitely like the ability to look back at the good times..and reflect on the perhaps ...
I did my colonoscopy yesterday in an attempt to figure out what has been causing my severe stomach pain for the past month or so. The actual colonoscopy was on a Thursday, but my prep ...
Yes, I know, I know-I’ve been really bad about blogging lately. For whatever reason, the mood just didn’t…hit me. But an update was WAY overdue..so here I am! The biggest update within the last month ...
I know that I’m one day late, but Merry Christmas, everyone! Yesterday was a good day. I slept in, and it was great being able to just be lazy in bed and do nothing 🙂 ...
Firstly, I’d like to thank one of my blog readers, Adams. Adams wrote a lovely comment on my cbox with regards to my fistula and it’s appearance. Thank you! I worked Monday-Wednesday, so my “weekend” ...
After finishing work today, I checked my cell phone to see a message from my friend Mo asking me if I wanted to check out this raw food spot downtown called Belmonte Raw. Mo and ...
Happy New Year! This year’s festivities were low key but fun. Myself along with a number of my friends spent the evening at a friend’s house for a potluck dinner. We had roast beef, roast ...