Step number one: cut your nails. Long nails and menstrual cup insertion…not an ideal situation. When I was on dialysis for a number of years, I stopped menstruating. I guess it was one of those ...
When I was celebrating Christmas last year with my family and my future in-laws, I never imagined that just a few short months later, we’d be confined to our homes with a horrible virus bringing ...
Working from home and staying indoors has definitely taken a toll on me. Don’t get me wrong-I enjoy working from home very much. However, what I’ve realized is that I’m a lot less active than ...
Everyone who practices yoga has a different experience–even within the same class, be it in person or streamed at home. Because there are so many different approaches to the practice, there are tons of ways ...
The other day, I received an email from Leapcure, a company that aims to expand the patient voice in clinical research. This amazing company was started to redesign the way researchers think about working with ...
At the beginning of this year, the rumblings of a respiratory disease outbreak began to emerge out of Wuhan, China. Little did we know that this disease would turn into a worldwide pandemic that would ...
The ability to work from home permanently is something I’ve always wanted. Being able to avoid the hustle and bustle of commuting downtown is especially ideal for someone with an autoimmune disease. The germs and ...
I was sitting at my desk the other day, waiting for my work laptop to reboot after a software update. While sitting at my desk, I checked my email on my phone and was met ...
I belong to several lupus groups on Facebook. In the last several weeks, I cannot even begin to count the number of people who have said that they cannot get their hydroxychloroquine because their pharmacy ...