The other day, I received an email from Leapcure, a company that aims to expand the patient voice in clinical research. This amazing company was started to redesign the way researchers think about working with ...
The ability to work from home permanently is something I’ve always wanted. Being able to avoid the hustle and bustle of commuting downtown is especially ideal for someone with an autoimmune disease. The germs and ...
I was sitting at my desk the other day, waiting for my work laptop to reboot after a software update. While sitting at my desk, I checked my email on my phone and was met ...
I belong to several lupus groups on Facebook. In the last several weeks, I cannot even begin to count the number of people who have said that they cannot get their hydroxychloroquine because their pharmacy ...
Hey all, I just wanted to write a quick post to let you know that I’ve been featured on the Chronillicles blog! Georgina, the face behind this blog, gave me the opportunity to write a ...
I had the pleasure of writing an article for the Lupus Canada E-Newsletter. With Family Day fast approaching, sometimes trying to figure out what to do without burning yourself out can be tricky. The article ...
I’ve been so caught up with of the busyness that the holiday season brings that I forgot to acknowledge the fact that this Thursday that just passed was my blog’s 6 year anniversary! Honestly, when ...
What a delight it was to check my twitter account the other day and to have received a tweet from stating that my blog had been voted as one of the best lupus blogs ...
Being in and maintaining a long lasting and meaningful relationship can be difficult, even for those who don’t have a chronic illness to deal with. I personally avoided getting into a long term relationship for ...
It’s my birthday! Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee! LOL (today is also my “not my twin” sister’s birthday too hehehe). I haven’t posted in a while as I’m not sure that I had much to say, but ...