I’m feeling kind of down and out today. Not in a happy mood at all. I had kind of a weird day today. Nothing specific happened. I went to church, came home, did some homework, ...
…but I don’t think I’m pulling off any 86% marks on this one. I completely blanked out on some of those questions. It’s the short answer questions…those are the ones that I’m most likely to ...
Now I know what Dhalsim meant when he said “Yoga fire”! (random street fighter II reference..!) When Carolyn and I first entered the room, (oh by the way, our yoga class was at Moksha Yoga ...
Today was the day that we handed in our group assignment as well as got our test results back from the first test of the semester. I won’t lie…I was a little annoyed when certain ...
I took the plunge earlier this week. I thought long and hard about my position within the bank. After much consideration, after sitting and thinking long and hard, I finally made that decision. I sat ...
*le sigh* I was just lying in bed watching TV when it hit me. I’m going back too school full time in a month and a half (actually less than that). I haven’t been in ...
UPDATE: My $125 Smackeroos! At work yesterday, promptly at 9:30 for my first break, I called GBC’s call centre to inquire about this mysterious charge. The rep looked at my account and said “oh, that’s ...
Today is the Sunday before Remembrance Day, so we had a Remembrance Day service at church today. The service was very touching. A war vet came up during children’s time and told a very touching ...
I haven’t been at work for 20 full hours per week since September of 2006. That was the month when I found out that I had a perforated bowel and needed emergency surgery. It was ...
I do…but why? It’s simple. It’s because I have an illness. Well, perhaps it’s not “simple”, but perhaps it’s a reason. Even with my father, mother and sister right in the same house…I still feel ...