
A few small updates

It has certainly been a while since I have posted an here goes!The last…

All Your Curves and All Your Edges

I've blogged through tears way too often.I've felt sad and without hope way too often.The…

My friend’s wedding

I'm here lying in my boyfriend's bedroom at his parents' house. Yes, I met his…

Times flies when you’re having fun

The last couple of months have been the best possible way. Blogging is actually…


This past weekend was Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada.  My weekend was packed and relaxing…


My mind is all over the place right now and it's so hard to focus.…


It seems like just a few short months ago I was ringing in the new…

Thanksgiving weekend

Thanksgiving weekend was quiet and relaxing. Greg and I spent it in innisfil with his…

Feeling accomplished

Today was a busy one at work. I feel super happy to have the opportunity…