I’m calling this post a mish mash because I’m not even exactly sure what I’m going to talk about! First of all, let’s talk about the month of October. I’m not gonna lie-this month has ...
So it’s time for stomach scar Sundays! Now what I’ve decided is that I’ll (try and) post progress of my arm on Fridays and my stomach on Sundays. Since Friday had already passed, I’ll post ...
It isn’t big, but yup, it’s there. I picked at it a bit at first, thinking it was perhaps a scab that wanted to stand straight up for some reason. But I realized quickly that ...
I went to see the plastic surgeon on Saturday and he is pretty happy with the progress of my healing scar revision incision. What struck me most was the fact that he said “I’m happy ...
I removed the last of my steri strips from my arm yesterday. It seems as though my arm is healing relatively well. It’s scabby and dry from the scabs, but I don’t want to put ...
So now that I’ve had all of these medical procedures (haha), I’m going to be left with some scars. Before getting my stitches out, I looked up different types of scar management options. Vitamin E ...
It has been about 3 weeks since my transplant! When I touch my stomach over my kidney (or shall I say lightly press) it is still sore. This is mostly where the incision is, though. ...
Yep, it’s that time of the year…I have a cough and a cold/runny nose. It’s not too bad anymore. Yesterday I didn’t even want to exert the energy needed to lift the remote and change ...