A thunder/lightning storm on Wednesday zapped my modem. The fact that my modem got zapped was both good and bad at the same time. It was bad because I couldn’t do homework for my online ...
On Thursday, a few hours after my gastric emptying test, my mom, dad and I went to Buffalo. My mom had wanted to go shopping in Buffalo for a few weeks now, and since it’s ...
I hope you guys like it! I personally think the animated butterfly to the right of the screen is pretty snazzy. (note to self: use the word ‘snazzy’ more often) 😉
It’s been just over a month since I started this blog, and the response that I’ve been getting from it is simply overwhelming. It makes me really happy to know that people from all around ...
…when you go from 10 to nothing in a matter of minutes? I’m having one of those days today. Last week, I started taking an online Math Course. It’s a high school course called Data ...
Last year just before my vacation to Florida on the 9th of December, I decided that it would be a good idea for me to start seeing a physiotherapist again. It’s been over a year, ...
Hooray! This is my first post! There is much to be said about this disease called Lupus. This is why I thought I’d start a blog discussing my everyday thoughts and stuggles where Lupus is ...